Christmas – Origin, Definition, History, & Facts

When we talk about Christmas day, we all feel so excited to experience the fun & frolic of Christmas festivities. This festival is full of traditions, and wonders as well as there are also various historical facts about Christmas. But, do we exactly know why Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December? What is the real meaning of Christmas?

Is it all about decorating a Christmas tree? The presents hung on the tree, the lighting in the homes, is it turkey meals with loved ones, snow in the yard and the carol singing by passersby in the streets? Is this what we believe in Christmas?

As the Christmas Festival is around the corner, so let’s briefly learn the Christmas History, its origin & development, Merry Christmas History, and Christmas tree History and have a complete understanding of this wonderful festival.

christmis origin

What Is Christmas: Understanding the History and Origin

Christmas is one of the most important Christian festivals in India and in the world. We celebrate this day to commemorate the birth of the Lord Jesus every year on December 25. However, the English term of word ‘Christmas’ is fairly recent origin.

The prior term Yule may have derived from the Anglo-Saxon geōl or Germanic jōl. They are referred to as the celebration of the winter solstice.

The real meaning of Christmas is the magnificent act of love. God dedicated his beloved son to protect the world, if this is not real and selfless love, then, what it is? God believed in humans and proved that whosoever had faith in him; he would not only protect them as well as give them eternal life to live.

Lord Jesus became a human being to condemn the world because he knew that the world needed a saviour!

So, this is the true meaning of Christmas and this is Why We Celebrate Christmas every year. We celebrate this wonderful day of the year to show our gratitude towards God and to always realize what he did for us.

We commemorate his birth by giving each other presents, sweets, praying him and being particularly aware of less fortunate and poor people around the world.

When Did The Christmas Festival Truly Originate?

In today’s world, the people associated with the Christian religion believe that the origin of Christmas is only the Lord Jesus’ birth anniversary as described in the Bible. However, the actual part of what we observe on December 25th every year has literally nothing to do with that great day.

This day is just begun in late summer of about 2,000 years back. Truth be told, the traditions and customs of Christmas really pre-date the birth of Lord Jesus, and many of them are certainly unreliable in their significance and origin. Let’s explore some examples:

December 25th likely started with the “birthday” of the son-god, Mithra. He was a pagan mighty who influenced the Roman Empire with his religious beliefs during the initial centuries A.D.

He was identified with the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his love spread all through Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was generally famous for engrossing the agnostic religions and ceremonies of its board empire.

Rome turned this pagan heritage to a God’s festival and the resurrection of the sun god throughout the winter solstice period. The celebration was portrayed by feasting, gifting, dancing, singing, etc.

The variations on Christmas day celebrations flourished after the initial few centuries, yet it was not probably come into existence until 336 AD. Emperor Constantine authoritatively turned this tradition into Christmas as the Christian’s festival.

Christmas history

What Does Christmas History Hold?

In the early times, Christian people distinguished the actual date of Jesus’ birth in this world with the ritualistic festival of that occasion. The real observance of Lord Jesus’ birthday was such a long time coming. Specifically, during the initial two centuries of Christianity, there was a solid restriction on celebrating the birthday of saints, martyrs or, so far as that is concerned with Jesus.

Various Church Fathers offered mocking comments about the agnostic custom of celebrating birthday events. In fact, they believed that martyrs and saints ought to be regarded in the times of their martyrdom. They believed that observance as their true “birthday celebrations”.

The actual origin of Christmas on December 25 as the birth date of Lord Jesus is uncertain. The New facts on Christmas give no insights in such a manner. Sextus Julius Africanus in 221 was the first one who recognized the Lord Jesus’ birthday on December 25 and then, later on, it becomes the universally acknowledged date.

One far-reaching interpretation of the beginning of December 25 as Jesus’ birthday in Christianizing was a famous occasion in the Roman Empire that marked the winter solstice celebration as a sign of the revival of the sun, the end of winter and indicating the rebirth of spring and summer.

All in all, the real origin of Christmas is completely filled with a lot of compromises and controversies. There are several studies that reveal a lot of depressing reasons that we wouldn’t be able to cover at once. In a nutshell, the Christmas Festival that we celebrate today is the symbol of Christianity’s consent to retain the world’s traditions and conventions and their willingness to forget its basic roots in the actual truth of Jesus Christ.

So, we should celebrate this day as a wonderful remembrance of Jesus Christ’s introduction to the world as a great human being. His birth has set the space for the glory, power, and salvation that would be conceded in his life, death and rebirth!

No matter whether it’s December 25th or any other day in the year, we should utilize each and every opportunity to take Jesus Christ’s blessings and spread his message of hope all over the world.

What is the Story of Christmas?

Jesus was destined to a lady called Mary who was locked into Joseph, a woodworker in the town of Nazareth in Galilee.

Mary was visited by a blessed messenger who revealed to her that she would bring forth an infant called Jesus. Jesus was conceived in Bethlehem since Joseph and Mary had ventured out there to partake in an evaluation that the Roman rulers had requested.

At the point when Mary and Joseph landed in Bethlehem, the neighborhood hotel was full of individuals returning for the statistics. The owner let them remain in the stone cavern beneath his home which was utilized as a stable for creatures. It was here that Mary brought forth Jesus.

What Is The True Meaning Of Christmas?

Basically ‘Merry Christmas’ is a phrase belongs to the Christian traditions that people used to wish each other on the day of Christmas. This is very popular phrase found everywhere on the greeting cards, posters, etc. on Christmas.

Strangely, there are mixed thoughts with respect to the importance of this slogan to honor the delight of celebrating the birth anniversary of Lord Jesus Christ.

However, the Merry Christmas History also reveals various facts that it truly means to be joyful, happy and bring happiness in each other’s life.

Christmas tree History

The Real History of Christmas Trees?

There are several interesting facts associated with Christmas tree history. It has the traditional and symbolic use in ancient Rome and Egypt that proceeds with the German tradition as well.

The earliest story related to the origin of the Christmas tree reveals that late in the Middle Ages, Scandinavians and Germans placed evergreen trees at the doors and inside their homes to display their belief that spring will come soon.

And the tradition continues with the origin of Christianity. People started placing evergreen trees and plants for the arrival of winter. Similarly as individuals today enliven their homes during the happy season with spruce, pine, and feathery trees, ancient people also draped evergreen limbs over their entryways and windows.

In numerous traditions around the world, it was also believed that evergreens would repel witches, evil spirits, and prevent diseases. In short, the evergreen Christmas Trees are a symbol of welcoming the winter solstice.

Did You Know?


Unknown Facts about the Christmas Festival:

  • In Christianity, there is a belief that Jesus Christ’s birthday is on January 6. And, some people even celebrate Christmas with another name as Epiphany on January 6
  • The history of Jesus Christ’s birth is revealed in the New Testament’s gospel of St. Matthew and St. Luke.
  • The word Christmas derives from the Ancient English Cristes maesse, which basically means Christ’s mass.
  • The song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” indicates the 12 days lies between Christmas and Epiphany.
  • Santa Claus was first displayed in the mid-19th century as a significant character in a newspaper ad
  • The word Xmas that we use in place of Christmas, but in the Greek
  • Language, Xi’s word is used as the first letter of Christ’s name.
  • The first Christmas trees were actually very small and placed on a table

‘Christmas’ is a great time to express love to God and loved ones and to create long-lasting memories. We hope this article will help you a long way to learn not everything, but yes some great facts about Christmas Origin, Christmas Tree History, Merry Christmas meaning, truth about Christmas etc.. Let’s celebrate Christmas 2024 as the perfect, indescribable festival of Lord Jesus’ Birth.

There are numerous Churches to visit in India and in the world on Christmas. Go check out online and enjoy this perfect festival this winter. Merry Christmas in advance to you all!

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